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Friday, February 04, 2011

Adventures in Organizing, Part 2

I was probably more scared of this organizing job than any other in the house - the master bedroom closet. Especially since, in it's vast overstuffedness, all the extra jackets/coats got relegated up here as well.
Once again, you will notice I forgot to take before pictures. (You will probably notice this theme quite a bit. I'm so gung-ho to get to the final results, I almost never remember the before pictures!) Suffice it to say that this closet was a big, jumbled mess. Also, my clothes were all on the other side of the door, which meant that to get to them, I had to go into the closet and shut the door. I can get pretty claustrophobic pretty quickly, so this was very frustrating for me. (To the tune of I have hated this closet's guts for the last 6 years.) All my non-pregnancy clothes were in a jumble on the floor waiting to be put into a space bag. There was no space for folded clothes. It was just a big, huge, mess. And that was with half the clothes that *should* be in it, being in baskets or the crib or on the bed or on the floor of the bedroom. Which is another beast for another day.
First view inside the closet: Right side - My clothes on the bottom, hopefully seasonally-appropriate clothes for hubby's visit home on the top, my pants and hanging dresses (read dress, because I hate them) on the left. On top of those, some shelves (which I can't reach, but will get a stepstool expressly for the closet/upstairs use) for me to put my folded casual pants/jeans. Extra purses on top of this shelf.

Straight-on view of this same area. Jewelry organizer (funny if you know me), summer pants, and my shoes organizers just to the left of that. Plus the couple of pairs of footwear I own that wouldn't fit in the organizer, on the floor under the hanging clothes.

Inside the closet, you have to shut the door to access the rest of it. Hubby's stuff in this area - belts, sweats, & hats. Lots and lots and lots of hats. (To be honest, I think about 1/3 of them still haven't made it back in here.) To the right of that, his hanging clothes and shoes. (I would never have thought to put shoes up high like that. But he is plenty tall enough to reach them!) And there was no room for them on the floor for all his boots. Which didn't make it into any of the pictures. But believe me when I tell you they take up the floor space of half the closet's perimeter!

Between my shoes and the wall are the dressy things we don't use very often, and all the coats that got brought up from the coat closet downstairs.

I have to admit I am pretty amazed at the results. It is still too overstuffed in my opinion, but it looks 1000x better than it did!
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