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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Frus-Frus, Frus-Frus-tru-a-tion!

(If you have not seen Leap Frog's Storybook Factory, or heard their "Punctuation" song, don't even bother trying to make sense of the title.)

Ugh! I just spent the last 6 hours with 3 different Palm tech support techs, first on the computer chat and then on the phone support, because a couple of weeks ago, some contacts randomly disappeared from my handheld (Palm Treo 755p) but not my computer. Like my Roomie. And the phone company. And who knows how many others. FINALLY, 6 hours, 1 soft & 2 hard resets, 1 Outlook "detect and repair" 1 palm user name, 1 new contacts folder (manipulated a dozen different ways), 1 almost-got-a-replacement-device except that my internet (and therefore Vonage/phone) crashed in the middle of the first support call, and 17 HotSyncs later, the stinking problem was that A SILLY SETTING UNDER "SECURITY" GOT SWITCHED FROM "SHOW" TO "HIDE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Why does Outlook randomly make some of my contacts private, anyway?)

I am going to bed now!

1 comment:

FloridaWife said...

ugh! Your post is like me with the CABLE company over here. Utter frustration.