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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Family Photos

Well, we accomplished it - all 4 kids plus spouses, and 10/11 grandkids, all together at the same time. Here is the evidence:

The kids: John, Jeff, Julie, Jena

The grandkids: Jonathon (13), Julian (13), Paige (13), Jenna (11), Emily (10), Rachel (9), Lance (4), Sammy (2), Brooke (2), Katie (1).

John, Denise, Jonathon, Jenna, & Rachel


Emily, Julie N, and Julian

Grammy & Grampy with their grandkids



Kerry said...

is Katie STANDING like she's been doing it her whole life? :)

Glad you got the big family picture taken...reminds me that I should do some while we're down here.

Sharon said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures of everyone!! Hopefully it won't be another 12 years before you're all together again. Can you imagine, Katie would be a teenager by then! And the three oldest grandkids could be married with kids of their own. Suddenly I feel so OLD~!

Mathochist said...

Yes! And as of today she's walking By the time we get back home THAT will probably be like she's been doing it her whole life too!

Yes, hopefully we will all get together again soon. I would love to make it a yearly thing. I REALLY enjoyed watching the older cousins interact with each other, and with the little ones. And *I* felt old seeing the babies who were at my wedding being half-grown men!