We are having a great time here at Grammy & Grampy's new house in Euless, TX! The whole family (except TJ) is here. It is crowded, but very nice. John's family is staying with Jena, who is all of 5 minutes north of us. We are staying at Grammy & Grampy's. Julie lives about 45 minutes from here. She is working this week, but will be with us this weekend and next week.
I am usually too busy having fun (or helping unpack) to remember to take pictures, but here are a few that I did manage to take:
Katie loves to show off her photo album to anyone who will look at it. Here she is showing it to Uncle John, and then Grammy. (She previously avoided Grammy, but I guess showing off her pictures was more important than playing shy.)

Grammy & Grampy have cable. The kids are excited to be able to watch NickJr on a real (big!) TV instead of a little square on a computer screen. And to watch Playhouse Disney shows instead of just playing the online games.

Uncle John's kids, cousins Jonathon (14), Jenna (12), & Rachel (10)

Grampy at his new computer station

Sammy took this picture of Daddy (who is about 2 weeks past badly in need of a haircut!). Pretty good aim!

Brooke, Lance, Rachel, Jenna, & Sammy playing our new Ladybug Game

I guess cable is not so great after all. Sometimes what you want to watch isn't on when you want to watch it. Lance and Katie watching Dora the Exporer on my computer.

The newest cousin, baby Lilly, almost 6m old (and only about 4 lbs lighter than Katie)!